Network Assessments and Strategic Technology Audits

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As a business owner, you realize the importance of knowing where your business stands in order to make sound decisions for the future. This holds true for all aspects of your business and is even more apparent when it comes to your strategic technology decisions.

In order to give you a clear picture of where your business stands, SMART I.T. Services, Inc. can provide you with a Network Assessment or a complete Strategic Technology Audit.
Our experience and expertise in the insurance industry allows us to identify areas for improvement and provide you with deep insight and advice moving forward.

Express Technology Audit

  • Our experts will look at the current status of your network, hardware, software, management system (if applicable), network security, and more
  • We will meet with management and key staff members to obtain information and discuss what issues and areas could be improved
  • We will talk to key employees about workflows and concerns
  • We will provide management with a verbal overview of our findings and recommendations

Full Technology AuditOur full report audit includes all of the Express Audit features, plus a detailed report and analysis of our findings for you to use moving forward.

Contact us today using our Contact Form or call (888) 843-6385 to take advantage of one of our Automation Audits and plan for the future success of your business.

Strategic IT Assessments Questions?

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      Free IT Whitepaper

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      This whitepaper will evaluate the differences between traditional technical support practices and modern managed IT practices and the pros and cons of both in regards to small and medium-sized businesses.


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