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Take Back Profitable Space with Cloud Computing

b2ap3_thumbnail_cramped400.jpgOne of the surest ways to boost your bottom line is with cuts. You can then funnel these cuts into your revenue column and look profitable, even with lousy sales. While this approach will boost your bottom line, your numbers will be hollow. The smartest way to cut is to replace the loss with something profitable. Cloud computing lets you make profitable cuts.

Think about profits and expenses in terms of the physical space in your office. You have limited office space for your company and aspirations to outgrow it. It's easy to do the math and figure out how much your space is costing you per square foot, and how much revenue you need to bring in to make sure the space is worth it. Before you grow out of your space and expand to a second location (which is a huge expense), you will first want to maximize your profit-per-square foot with the space you have.

Cloud computing helps increase your profits-per-square foot by freeing up the amount of space available, thus allowing you to make more profit. The most basic function of cloud computing is to take the services that you normally do with your own servers, and migrate them to a cloud server. Servers are some of the largest pieces of equipment in your office. A medium-sized business might even have a whole closet or room dedicated to hosting servers. These big server units cost money to maintain, which cuts down on your profits-per-square foot ratio.

In the end, it's the users that make your server units profitable, not the server units themselves. Therefore, to maximize your profits-per-square foot, you will want to replace physical objects that cost you money (like servers), with different physical objects that make you money (like users). With cloud computing, you can migrate the services you need to the cloud and then take the physical space freed up and add one or two new employees that focus on sales or other revenue-generating activities.

The more servers you can migrate over to the cloud means the more floor space you will have freed up to fill with profitable employees. Even the addition of just one decent salesperson will more than cover the cost of what it took to maintain your old server unit. After you enact this cloud-computing solution and see your profits increase, you may begin to look at your office space differently.

You may now look at spaces like your broom closet and say to yourself, "If I can outsource cleaning services, then I can fit another salesperson in this closet." It's great to look at your office like this, just be mindful of your bathroom space. If you overlook this detail, then you will have lines of disgruntled employees, and it's important to remember that "time in the potty line, counts as downtime," which is a loss of revenue.

Cloud computing is a great example of how you can make a cut and turn the cut into something profitable. Cloud computing will feel like a true cut because you will see physical space freed up, and it's also a money saving cut because cloud computing is an affordable solution that costs less than having to buy new server units.

If you want to help on how to squeeze more employees into surprising new places, then give SMART Services a call at 586 258-0650 . We can assess your network and inform you how many of your services can be migrated over to the cloud. We also have a reputation for having a great eye for planning an efficient office layout. Give us a call and let us help you make more profit-per-square-foot!

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