Smart Services has been providing independent agents with proactive, fast, and expert technology services since 1991.

Technology is Secondary

b2ap3_thumbnail_technology400.jpgWhen it comes to running a business, having great software and hardware and a properly configured network infrastructure is important. Technology has changed the way the world gets work done, communicates, and even has fun. We love technology, gadgets, and having toys to play with; it's our passion. However, we feel it's important to say that technology isn't everything.

Technology is not an Arms Race
At SMART Services, we love our smartphones, tablets, and computer equipment, but the gadgets and software we work with every day are really just a small part of what we do. We might often talk about IT best practices, products, do's-and-don'ts, but what really matters in the end is how technology benefits the bottom line. The technology needs to help your business meet (and hopefully exceed) your business goals. Take replacing workstations as an example; a business on a budget shouldn't get new PCs just for the sake of having the latest hardware. However, you can benefit from replacing slower machines so employees are happier and more efficient.

The End Result is Everything
We absolutely love our backup solution. It's amazing to think about our data being backed up all throughout the day in efficient little snapshots, and then securely transferred and stored offsite. Data backup is a beautiful thing, but we don't recommend it because of how amazing it is; we recommend it because it can seriously save your butt in the event of a disaster, and completely pay for itself a hundred times over if you've lost a significant amount of data.

It's What You Accomplish
Ultimately, it's all about how you got through the day, and what you have to show for it. Having the right software on capable hardware will help you get more done and stay better organized. Your technology is supposed to be transparent and definitely should not contribute to your day-to-day stress. That's why technology is secondary to us. Technology is the ocean current that guides your business ship in whatever direction you want it to go. We also pride ourselves on handling all the backend administrative tasks and on going maintenance that will ensure your ship smooth waters. Your goals are our goals, and we want you to focus on moving forward, not troubleshooting annoying PC issues.

If you haven't given our managed IT a try, then we suggest you take another look, especially if you deal with technology headaches and expenses all the time. You don't have to experience this stress from technology. Give us a call at 586 258-0650 and ask about how we can alleviate your day-to-day IT pain points so you can stay on target with your goals.


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