Smart Services has been providing independent agents with proactive, fast, and expert technology services since 1991.

Move the Needle with Dynamic IT Support

Move the Needle with Dynamic IT Support

Business technology is a useful tool, there’s no way around it. Unfortunately for businesses, technology has to be replaced every so often. Even if the technology doesn’t break, there are innovations made that can help your organization do what you do better. The thing is: Technology does break, so you need to understand how to get the most value out of it when it is working. 

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Remember That Time Apple Officially Told People to Drop Their Computer?

Remember That Time Apple Officially Told People to Drop Their Computer?

Even though the modern workplace tends to be PC-centric, Apple has had a major impact on technology and computing. It’s undeniable that Apple is pretty consistent with producing sleek, high-end hardware and efficient operating systems. Apple’s former CEO, Steve Jobs, was known to be a visionary and a perfectionist. That’s what makes this story even weirder.

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IT Management is Just a Fraction of How We Can Help

IT Management is Just a Fraction of How We Can Help

How does your business manage its IT? Do you have an in-house team, and how busy are they with all of the hustle and bustle of their everyday duties? Do they have time to address the many challenges and requests made of them? If not, then perhaps you should consider a different model for your IT management. Luckily, we have just the opportunity for you, and you won’t want to miss out on it.

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Does Managed IT Really Pay for Itself?

Does Managed IT Really Pay for Itself?

Businesses use all types of sayings to try to draw in customers. One of the core selling points of managed IT services is that “it pays for itself”. This is more than just marketing. The multiple services that make up managed IT services all help a business save time and money, but when added together, it can really help the bottom line of a business more than most services they can use. In this week’s blog we thought we would go through the core elements of a managed IT services agreement to show how it really does pay for itself. 

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Value is at the Center of Any Managed IT Services

Value is at the Center of Any Managed IT Services

Many businesses, irrespective of their size, are increasingly turning towards managed services to streamline their operations, reduce expenses, and elevate their overall customer value proposition. The utilization of managed services has revolutionized the landscape, not just in terms of cost-saving, but also in facilitating businesses to grow and extract greater value from their IT infrastructure. Let's take a look into how managed services achieve this dual objective.

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Are You a Tech Support Roadblock?

Are You a Tech Support Roadblock?

This goes out to all the business owners, managers, department heads, and other leaders in the workplace who have to field user complaints and issues.

Being in this position can be hard, because you often have to say no. No, we can’t change the timeline or increase the budget for this project. No, we can’t do XYZ that way because it would break compliance. No, we can’t get new hardware/software in until we get it approved in the budget. Repeat ad nauseam.

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How to Handle Your Risk Mitigation Strategies

How to Handle Your Risk Mitigation Strategies

It’s an unfortunate fact that all businesses will inherently face some threats during their operations. That’s inescapable. From cyberattacks to natural disasters to good, old-fashioned accidents, you’re liable to face no small risk. This risk makes a process known as risk mitigation so critical for all businesses to undergo with some regularity.

Let’s review a few aspects of creating and maintaining a dependable risk mitigation strategy.

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3 Huge Benefits of Adding Help Desk Support to Your Staff

3 Huge Benefits of Adding Help Desk Support to Your Staff

Do you have employees who struggle with their technology? Chances are that there will always be individuals who are not as proficient with it as you might expect, and without a dedicated IT resource to ask for assistance, they might get frustrated and disengage with their work. You need to provide the right support to your employees, and you’re in luck; we have just the right solution to your problems: a help desk!

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Small Businesses Should Be Using These 5 IT Tools

Small Businesses Should Be Using These 5 IT Tools

Information technology offers businesses of all sizes significant benefits, very much including small and medium-sized organizations. Let’s go through five modern tools that offer this kind of inclusive utility to the point that we see them as essential for successful business operations today.

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Is Your Internal IT Buckling Under Pressure? We'll Lighten the Load

Is Your Internal IT Buckling Under Pressure? We'll Lighten the Load

There's a lot of pressure on (often understaffed and overworked) internal IT teams to manage and maintain increasingly complex systems. For businesses noticing signs of strain on their IT staff, seeking assistance from managed services providers (MSPs) could be the remedy. Here's how an MSP like us can alleviate the pressure and contribute to workplace wellness for all.

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Fight Back Against Downtime with Proactive Maintenance

Fight Back Against Downtime with Proactive Maintenance

It’s natural for businesses to rely on their tools, like IT, to achieve success, but if you don’t take care of your systems, it could lead to downtime. You can bypass many of these challenges with the right approach to technology maintenance. We want to highlight some of the proactive methods you can use to keep downtime to a minimum.

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5 Computer Issues a Pro Knows Too Well

5 Computer Issues a Pro Knows Too Well

Computer problems can be super frustrating, especially when they slow you down while working. Many times, it is something that can be fixed quickly, but then there are issues that an experienced IT professional has to address. Let’s take a look at some of the most common computer problems professionals run into.

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5 Simple Mistakes That Hurt Your Cybersecurity

5 Simple Mistakes That Hurt Your Cybersecurity

Technology is a big part of how businesses run today, but that also makes them prime targets for cyberattacks. These attacks can shut down operations and steal sensitive data. Let’s look at five common cybersecurity issues businesses deal with:

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Windows 7 Support is Coming to an End

Windows 7 Support is Coming to an End

Here’s something that may surprise you, Windows 7 is still one of the more popular operating systems. This is troubling since Microsoft is shutting off support for the OS on January 14, 2020. 

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Keep Small IT Issues Small

Keep Small IT Issues Small

Your employees appreciate when you give them all the tools they need to complete their day-to-day tasks. If you take the time to provide them with everything they need to do their jobs, then they will, in turn, provide you with a higher rate of productivity and work quality. One way you can make this happen is by giving them access to the technical assistance they need to succeed.

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Break-Fix Basically Breaks Budgets

Break-Fix Basically Breaks Budgets

Small businesses with limited budgets and staffing have always had trouble managing and maintaining their technology solutions. Working with limited resources doesn’t have to be a challenge, but more often than not, technology creates problems for organizations that don’t have a dedicated IT support system. What if we told you that it didn’t have to be this way, and that accessible IT management is something that all businesses can achieve?

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Effective IT Management Builds Better Businesses

Effective IT Management Builds Better Businesses

Managing business technology is not easy, especially if your budget doesn’t accommodate an internal IT department. You want professionals who know what they are doing to be the first ones handling your organization’s technology solutions, but sometimes this simply isn’t possible. While the concept of outsourcing technology management and maintenance to a third party sounds strange at first glance, it sure beats just about any other alternative out there--and for good reason.

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It’s Not Hard to Find Value in Managed Services

It’s Not Hard to Find Value in Managed Services

It’s important to think about how your organization manages its technology, especially in a world where businesses depend heavily on critical software and hardware solutions to stay functioning. Granted, getting the technology assistance you need can be difficult with a limited budget and workforce. Managed services can be a great alternative to your organization hiring and managing its own IT department, and they can even be used to augment your current IT administrators.

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Managed IT Services Present Opportunities

Managed IT Services Present Opportunities

How does your business manage its technology solutions? If you have an in-house IT department, you might think that you have a better shot at keeping your business safe from a hard drive failure, but this is only if your IT department isn’t already overwhelmed with work. You might find that implementing new solutions is tricky, which wastes time and resources on your part. What’s the small business to do?

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Why Professional Service Providers Find Managed IT To Be The Right Choice

Why Professional Service Providers Find Managed IT To Be The Right Choice

Despite the industries that can be classified as “professional services” being widely varied, many of them could find substantial benefits in enlisting support from a managed service provider. Let’s examine a few of the solutions that an MSP offers, and how these solutions could help a business achieve more during the workday.

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