Technology changes at an astounding rate. Because of constant technological improvements, some users feel the need to replace their devices the second a bigger and better technology is launched. On the other hand, the increase in reliability of computers in recent years has has hindered the sales of new PCs.
Remember when you upgraded to a flat screen TV or monitor just a few years ago? You may have marveled at the increased picture quality and celebrated getting rid of your old and bulky equipment, but do you know what happened to the old CRT monitor after you threw it out? Unfortunately, the answer doesn't bode well for the environment.
How much paper and ink does your company use every week? Every month? Every year? More importantly, how much does this wind up costing your company in the long run? According to a study by 14 year-old science fair wiz Suvir Mirchandani, it was discovered that his Pittsburgh-area school district could reduce ink consumption by 24 percent and save an average of $21,000 a year by simply switching fonts. That's half of what the average American's annual salary is!
It's the nature of trends for people to want to capitalize on them, which means that many sellers of what's trendy may have little experience working with the trends that they're selling. As a business looking to take advantage of the latest technology trends, it's important that you're not bamboozled by a smooth talking technology marketer with no depth.
Some people refuse to upgrade their technology because they're ardently committed to the principle of "if it's not broke, don't fix it." We admire a person's resolve to stand up for their convictions, but there are cases when old technology gets in the way of profits. Here are four examples of old technologies that may be holding your business back.
"Heigh-ho, heigh-ho. It's off to work we go!" Do you know the secret to why Dwarves are so good at mining? It's because they don't have an Internet connection in the caves to distract them from digging and singing. If you're looking to turn your staff into a loyal Dwarf-like workforce, then you will want to take advantage of content filtering.
The value of professional services is that you can contract someone a reasonable fee to do something that you don't have the time or skill to achieve on your own. If you work in the service industry, this is your business model. Outsourcing the management of your IT to SMART Services is a classic example of a professional service that can save you money.
When we were kids, playing tag was fun. As grownups, we often lack the energy to enjoy a good game of tag. Phone tag is one version of tag that adults still play, but it's not nearly as fun as the version of tag that we played back in the schoolyard. A communication solution like VoIP is a great way to eliminate phone tag so you never have to be "it."
One of the surest ways to boost your bottom line is with cuts. You can then funnel these cuts into your revenue column and look profitable, even with lousy sales. While this approach will boost your bottom line, your numbers will be hollow. The smartest way to cut is to replace the loss with something profitable. Cloud computing lets you make profitable cuts.
Desktop Virtualization is a great solution that lets you run two operating systems simultaneously on one computer. This allows users to no longer be tied down by one machine, and it can save your company money by cutting back hardware expenses. Local and Client/Server are the two models of Desktop Virtualization; here's how they compare.
Have you ever gone shopping for new printer ink, paid the retail price, only to walk away feeling like you've been ripped off? With ink jet printers especially, buying the three new ink cartridges needed for photo printing will end up costing more than the printer itself! Why is ink so pricy and what can be done about it?
Have you ever gone shopping for new printer ink, paid the retail price, only to walk away feeling like you've been ripped off? With ink jet printers especially, buying the three new ink cartridges needed for photo printing will end up costing more than the printer itself! Why is ink so pricy and what can be done about it?
Desktop Virtualization is a great solution that lets you run two operating systems simultaneously on one computer. This allows users to no longer be tied down by one machine, and it can save your company money by cutting back hardware expenses. Local and Client/Server are the two models of Desktop Virtualization; here's how they compare.