Smart Services has been providing independent agents with proactive, fast, and expert technology services since 1991.

Jerry Fetty is the CEO and founder of SMART I.T. Services, Inc. Jerry has been called the "Geek King". He has been helping companies make smart decisions about their networks and automation systems for over 30 years.

Alert: New Malware Infects Over One Million Mobile Devices

Alert: New Malware Infects Over One Million Mobile Devices

While security experts tend to focus on desktop OS vulnerabilities, plenty of mobile malware threats fly under the radar. One such malware is Hummer, a trojan that installs unwanted apps and malware on a device and has been found on over a million phones worldwide.

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Tip of the Week: 6 PC Troubleshooting Guidelines that Every User Should Know

Tip of the Week: 6 PC Troubleshooting Guidelines that Every User Should Know

When was the last time that you ran into a computer problem that was easily solved just by simply restarting your computer or unplugging a device from the wall, then plugging it back in? Oftentimes, simple troubleshooting tactics are enough to resolve a problem. But more often than not, there are issues that can’t be easily resolved.

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Why So Many Agencies Outsource Their IT to the Pros

Why So Many Agencies Outsource Their IT to the Pros

How often does your technology experience trouble? If your business is constantly dealing with technical hiccups, your assets, which are meant to help your agency grow, can quickly become a nuisance that holds you back. How can you take better care of your technology, and use it to usher in a new era of productivity?

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How Agencies Stay Connected When a Local ISP Goes Down

How Agencies Stay Connected When a Local ISP Goes Down

Virtualization is changing the way agencies access information, to the point where many organizations simply choose to store their data infrastructure in the cloud and access it as needed. While this is extremely convenient and helps to keep your in-house wiring to a minimum, it also puts you at the mercy of your business’s Internet connection, which means the slightest Internet hiccup could spell trouble.

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4 Common Threats that Can Be Alleviated By Backing Up Your Data

4 Common Threats that Can Be Alleviated By Backing Up Your Data

It doesn’t take much to derail a business. Even the slightest disruption in power can lead to an unexpected power-down, and something as simple as a severe rainstorm could lead to floods that wash away your data. The point stands that you have everything to lose, and without data backup and disaster recovery, your business practices could be in danger.

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Tip of the Week: How to Find Out and Track Your Net Worth

Tip of the Week: How to Find Out and Track Your Net Worth

When money is tight and you start feeling down about your financial situation, it’s important to keep the big picture in mind. This can be done by reviewing your net worth. Having this big picture will help you to worry less and allow you to better focus on your goals.

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Most Organizations Support BYOD

Most Organizations Support BYOD

While most organizations allow the use of employee-owned mobile devices in the workplace, many don’t put proper security measures in place to prevent a hacking attack or data leak.

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Threat Spotlight: Brute-Force Attacks and How to Defend Against Them

Threat Spotlight: Brute-Force Attacks and How to Defend Against Them

One of the most popular methods of online hacking attacks involves what’s called a brute force attack. This is when a hacker overwhelms a login system with multiple attempts until the hacker is able to log in and access the system. They are dangerous attacks that could expose not just sensitive information, but also leave you vulnerable to ongoing hacks.

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Tip of the Week: 4 Power Tips for Windows 10 Users

Tip of the Week: 4 Power Tips for Windows 10 Users

Since the release of Windows 10 almost a year ago, people have found many ways to leverage this great new operating system to their business’s advantage. But have you failed to take advantage of some of the basic new features that got everyone so excited in the first place?

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Tip of the Week: How to Download Everything You’ve Posted to Facebook

Tip of the Week: How to Download Everything You’ve Posted to Facebook

If you’ve had your Facebook profile since the dawn of social media, chances are it’s accumulated an immense amount of personal information. While you might have felt uneasy handing over all of this data to Facebook, the company has made it surprisingly easy to take it back.

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Microsoft Enters the Technology as a Service Market

Microsoft Enters the Technology as a Service Market

One of Microsoft’s latest moves to appeal to business owners is its Technology as a Service program, allowing small businesses to purchase Surface products, accessories, and support via a monthly payment plan. The plan allows for upgrades, although some fees may apply as dictated by the lease.

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2,000 Year-Old “Computer” Discovered Off the Coast of Greece

2,000 Year-Old “Computer” Discovered Off the Coast of Greece

When you think of a computer, you think of a machine that makes your life easier. You can look up events, check facts, record data, and so much more. However, the first computer might be something extraordinarily unexpected; a submerged treasure off the coast of Greece called the Antikythera mechanism, which was used to predict and track astronomical events, like the movement of the planets or the occurrence of eclipses.

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Is Unplugging From Technology While on Vacation a Good Idea?

Is Unplugging From Technology While on Vacation a Good Idea?

Vacations are an important part of maintaining one’s sanity, especially if you’re an agency owner. However, unless you have a reliable staff that can handle the management of your business, chances are you might feel you can’t get away from the office long enough to relax. While it might seem tempting to disconnect yourself from the office entirely while on vacation, it’s actually better for your business if you don’t.

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Tip of the Week: 4 Steps to Troubleshoot a Weak Wi-Fi Signal

Tip of the Week: 4 Steps to Troubleshoot a Weak Wi-Fi Signal

Your wireless router is critical to your business’s online infrastructure, providing your team precious wireless Internet connections throughout the office. You need to ensure that the signal can reach your entire office. Here are some tips to help you figure out where to put your router to ensure its signal is as strong as possible throughout your office.

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One Wrong Click Can Delete Your Company's Data

One Wrong Click Can Delete Your Company's Data

It’s every agency owner’s worst nightmare: one mistake, and all of their data is wiped out. This very situation happened recently to a hosting provider, and his story serves as a cautionary tale regarding data storage best practices.

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3 Talk-to-Text Apps that are Well Worth the Money

3 Talk-to-Text Apps that are Well Worth the Money

The development of mobile platforms has led to the development of hundreds of apps that give users the ability to capture websites, take notes, and help with a person’s daily business tasks. Some users of modern smartphones (and other mobile devices) routinely complain about the reliability of the on-screen keyboard interface, as communication is as important to the development and outcome of projects as ever. For this reason, some developers have begun creating applications that allow users to dictate to their devices; turning spoken words into text. Here are three of the most reliable options to turn your voice into text.

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How We Know that Mark Zuckerberg Has Never Seen Spaceballs

How We Know that Mark Zuckerberg Has Never Seen Spaceballs

Twitter recently experienced a major hack where it saw 33 million user login credentials stolen. What may be more alarming than the hack itself is what the stash of stolen credentials reveal about users’ password security habits. Or, to put it more accurately, the lack thereof.

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Here Are 3 Reasons VoIP Makes Perfect Sense

Here Are 3 Reasons VoIP Makes Perfect Sense

Businesses have always relied on telephone communication systems to stay in touch with external and internal contacts. However, the traditional method of telecommunication has fallen behind the times, giving way to more flexible solutions that are designed to save businesses money and improve efficiency. In particular, Voice over Internet Protocol can be a valuable asset for small businesses that are experiencing growth.

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How an Expired Software License Can Spell Trouble for Your Business

How an Expired Software License Can Spell Trouble for Your Business

Your business relies on several software solutions that are designed to help your team be as productive as possible throughout the workday. In order to use these pieces of software, users often need to have a software license or an agreement with the developers. Without these software licenses, the legitimacy of the software is questioned and your team loses valuable time to be productive.

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Managed IT Services Provide a Unique Return on Investment for SMBs

Managed IT Services Provide a Unique Return on Investment for SMBs

There was once a time when businesses would only seek out technological expertise when it was necessary. This would be when a major component was on its last leg, or if they required new technology following a major hardware failure. Today, a better type of IT service model allows businesses to avoid the downtime and unexpected support costs associated with broken technology, by practicing proactive maintenance.

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