Smart Services has been providing independent agents with proactive, fast, and expert technology services since 1991.

Jerry Fetty is the CEO and founder of SMART I.T. Services, Inc. Jerry has been called the "Geek King". He has been helping companies make smart decisions about their networks and automation systems for over 30 years.

3 Internet Dangers That Can Harm Your Kids and What You Can Do About Them!

b2ap3_thumbnail_protect_your_kids_400.jpgThe Internet is a powerful tool. Another powerful tool is the circular saw. You wouldn't give your kid a circular saw and let them use it without any supervision. In the same way, you shouldn't let your kid use the Internet unsupervised and without any training.

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3 Ways Cloud Computing is Changing IT for the Better

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_hand_400.jpgCloud computing is making everything easier. Companies that operated IT infrastructures of their own before the cloud know firsthand how much easier it is thanks to the cloud. A brief comparison of doing business before and after the cloud will show just how much cloud computing is changing things.

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4,238,983 Records Compromised So Far in 2014… and Counting

b2ap3_thumbnail_tally_it_400.jpg2014 has been a year of technological advancement, but with any kind of advances such as these, there will always be those who want to steal the work of others. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center and , as of March this year, there have been 204 instances of data breaches this year alone. These affected companies are perfect examples of why web protection is important. SMART Services can provide you with this protection and peace of mind. Here are a few of the more unbelievable breaches, most of which could have been easily avoided.

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Urgent: Protect Yourself Against Heartbleed

b2ap3_thumbnail_bleeding_heart_three_400.jpgApril 7th 2014 was a big day for the world, not only because Microsoft ended security support for Windows XP, but because a massive security flaw was found in the OpenSSL cryptographic library. This problem, called the Heartbleed bug, was found by Google Security, and it leaks information from any applications and services utilizing OpenSSL. The problem, however, is not that it was found; the problem is that over two-thirds of the entire Internet contains sites that utilize the OpenSSL/TLS protocol specification. It also doesn't help that this bug has been active since December of 2012.

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Don’t Let a Few Lost Minutes Sink Your Productivity!

b2ap3_thumbnail_sink_to_the_bottom_400.jpgHow long does it take to boot up your computer when you start your workday? Most people would be fine with a one minute boot time; five minutes can get a little annoying, and anything longer than ten minutes warrants a coffee break. You may not have realized it, but a few extra minutes of boot time can impact the productivity of your company in a big way.

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Cloud Safety Presents New Options for Businesses

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_security_400.jpgAdmit it, you've thought about moving some of your computing infrastructure to the cloud, but just couldn't take the leap because there is a perception out there that suggests cloud-based computing systems are less secure than the ones that you house within the confines of your office. The fact of the matter is that every piece of computing infrastructure has the same shortcomings as far as security goes. Whether hosted in a cloud or in an enterprise data server, the thing that makes data security work for business is having the right people managing your information.

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Time Spent Faxing Can Really Add Up

b2ap3_thumbnail_fax_machines_are_a_waste_400.jpgLet's say that you're on the phone with a client going over a major proposal and they utter four words that fill you with dread, "Fax it to me." It's not that you don't know how to send a fax, but you dread faxing because you know that you're in for a big waste of time, especially considering how many pages your proposal is.

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Don’t Overlook the Mobile Devices Accessing Your Network

b2ap3_thumbnail_mobile_overlooked_400.jpgThe number of employees using their personal devices for work purposes (BYOD) continues to increase rapidly. According to Juniper Research, BYOD will account for over one-third of all mobile devices being used within the next few years. Not adjusting procedures to accommodate for this trend can leave your company's sensitive information vulnerable.

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You Might Be a Technology Redneck If…

b2ap3_thumbnail_technology_redneck_400.jpgNot too many years ago comedian Jeff Foxworthy became a star with his trademark "You Might Be a Redneck If..." jokes. Rednecks are an interesting breed that do things backwards because they stubbornly believe that it's the best way, and like all of us, rednecks use technology. Are you a technology redneck? Check out our redneck technology list to find out.

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The Other Kind of Firewall

b2ap3_thumbnail_how_is_your_firewall_400.jpgIt's crucial that your company's network has a strong firewall in place to keep your data safe; although, one firewall may not be enough. In the case of an actual fire, you will want to have a real firewall to keep your servers safe. We're talking about a firewall for your firewall. This sounds redundant, but redundancy makes for good security.

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2 of the Biggest Risks Associated with BYOD

b2ap3_thumbnail_bring_your_own_device_policy_400.jpgOne of the most popular business technology trends that we're seeing is employees bringing their own devices into the workplace (BYOD). This trend is due to the popularity of mobile devices (owned by over half of all U.S. adults). While this trend benefits companies in many ways like enhancing mobility, implementing BYOD for a business is not without risks.

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Windows XP is Dead. Let it Go.

b2ap3_thumbnail_sq-3-400.pngIf you haven't yet upgraded from Windows XP, then you and 29% of the world must have strong reasons for hanging on to a twelve year old product. Unfortunately, everybody's strong reasons won't hold water come April 8th when Microsoft stops supporting XP with new security patches.

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Computer Broke? Phone it In!

b2ap3_thumbnail_call_us_up_for_help_400.jpgWhen people talk about "phoning it in," they usually refer to purposely doing subpar work at their job. However, when a computer breaks and someone "phones it in," they're referring to calling remote IT support, which has a completely different connotation because remote IT service is service that's of the highest quality!

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Smartphones and Human Productivity Part 1/2: Networking

b2ap3_thumbnail_social_networking_smartphone_400.jpgWhat kind of phone do you have? Or rather, what kind of person does your phone have? With people relying on constant connectivity and constant communication, do devices have an interface for constant productivity, or is it just a constant distraction? Do all these outstanding new gadgets have the kind of value business professionals claim they do?

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Efficiency is Important for Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_business_of_efficiency_400.jpgWhen your business runs efficiently, you will see the positive side effects start relatively quickly. While this seems pretty reasonable to most everyone, there are many business owners that don't know how to best produce the kind of efficiency that will take their business to the next level.

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Can New Leadership at Microsoft Change the Tech World

b2ap3_thumbnail_Satya_Nadella_CEO_400.jpgThe CEO baton at Microsoft has been passed from Steve Ballmer to Satya Nadella, making Nadella the third CEO in Microsoft's well-publicized history. You may not think that this will have an impact on your business, but considering how intertwined Microsoft is with the the global economy, you may be surprised to learn that this move will affect your company.

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How the Evolving Role of IT can Benefit Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_business_reviews_400.jpgAs the world of business becomes increasingly dependent upon technology, the role of IT is changing. Historically, the IT department has been viewed as a separate entity in the office that fixes and maintains the IT infrastructure. Today, more companies are involving IT when making important business decisions. Have you consulted your IT professional lately?

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Save Money by Upgrading these 4 Outdated Technologies

b2ap3_thumbnail_save_money_by_scrapping_tech_400.jpgSome people refuse to upgrade their technology because they're ardently committed to the principle of "if it's not broke, don't fix it." We admire a person's resolve to stand up for their convictions, but there are cases when old technology gets in the way of profits. Here are four examples of old technologies that may be holding your business back.

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Increase Employee Productivity by 25% with Content Filtering

b2ap3_thumbnail_content_filtering_boosts_productivity_400.jpg"Heigh-ho, heigh-ho. It's off to work we go!" Do you know the secret to why Dwarves are so good at mining? It's because they don't have an Internet connection in the caves to distract them from digging and singing. If you're looking to turn your staff into a loyal Dwarf-like workforce, then you will want to take advantage of content filtering.

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Desktop Virtualization is a Viable Solution for Your Networking Needs

b2ap3_thumbnail_thin_clients_save_money_400.jpgIs your business taking advantage of desktop virtualization? It's a great money-saving solution that allows you to host a desktop environment from your server so that it can be accessed remotely on a terminal or device via your network. Businesses wanting to control their data while enjoying the conveniences of the cloud will get the most from desktop virtualization.

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