By popular demand, the grand opening from Take Your Agency to the Next Level 2009 is available for viewing, featuring Jerry Fetty as Super Smart IT Guy.
By popular demand, the grand opening from Take Your Agency to the Next Level 2009 is available for viewing, featuring Jerry Fetty as Super Smart IT Guy.
Action Insuranceof Utica, MI was the winner of SMART I.T. Services' Extreme Technology Makeover. They were announced as the winner at Take Your Agency to the Next Level on January 30, 2009. Check out their creative video submission for the technology makeover!
Keeping information and company resources organized can be challenging. In today’s economy, it is especially important to have your systems as organized as possible to maintain optimal efficiency.
On February 25, 2009, Bryant Caudill of SMART I.T. Services presented "Creating and Maintaining a Free Intranet Site," a webinar that gave a first-hand look at what Microsoft SharePoint has to offer and how to easily organize your company resources by setting up an intranet site of your own.
Follow along as Bryant guides you through setting up a sample intranet site using SharePoint. This webinar is broken up into 6 sections, clocking in around an hour. Visit our YouTube channel at to view the complete webinar.
Stay tuned for our next webinar, "Increasing Productivity with Remote Workers," taking place on March 25, 2009 from 10:00 am - 11:00 am.
Thank you to everyone who attended Take Your Agency to the Next Level on January 30, 2009! This year's event was another success, with the overwhelming favorite session being "Ask the Geeks", where Jerry Fetty and Bryant Caudill answered a wide-range of technology and automation questions.
Not only did attendees walk away with a wealth of information and guidance from SMART I.T. Services, many left the seminar with some great prize giveaways just for attending.
The biggest winner of the day was Action Insurance (pictured left with Jerry Fetty) of Utica, MI, who were awarded with our $60,000 Extreme Agency Technology Makeover. Hetrick & Associates of Marquette, MI and Burr & Company of Grand Rapids, MI were also finalists for the makeover. In the coming months, Action Insurance will receive a variety of technology solutions to help increase the productivity of their agency.
Check back often for videos and additional tidbits from the seminar. In the meantime, check out a few pictures from Take Your Agency to the Next Level 2009 below.